Family Violence and Intervention Orders

Family violence is a serious issue affecting Australian families and the community at large.

‘Family violence’ is defined in the Family Violence Protection Act as behaviour by a person towards a family member that is physically or sexually abusive, emotionally or psychologically abusive, economically abusive, threatening, coercive, controlling, dominating or inducing of fear.  Exposing a child to these behaviours also constitutes family violence.

Those who have experienced family violence or are at risk of experiencing family violence may require the protection of an intervention order.  We assist clients to make these applications in the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria.  We also link victims of family violence to trusted support services, including counsellors, psychologists and domestic violence services.  Please visit our Resources page for a list of helpful contacts.

We also provide advice, support and representation to clients who deny allegations of family violence which have been made against them, and must defend intervention order applications and/or family law applications which have been made against them.